Lytid, NIT and the National French Research Agency have partnered to develop SIRIS the ultimate cooled SWIR camera
Lytid has released the SIRIS SWIR camera – a deep cooled SWIR camera based upon a Lin/Log InGaAs sensor from NIT and image processing algorithms from the French Research Agency (CNRS).
SIRIS exhibits the best performance on the market for read-out noise (<10e-) and dynamic range (>120dB) simultaneously, thanks to NIT Lin/Log 1601 SWIR sensor. SIRIS is deep cooled down to 50K with a long-life cryocooler allowing a drastic reduction of dark current. Exposure time over one hour can be easily obtained. Everything is fully integrated into a compact and plug-and-play casing based on Lytid’s advanced photonic system integration.
Moreover, SIRIS incorporates advanced noise reduction algorithms developed by ENS-CNRS, among which non-destructive read-out noise reduction is embedded. The resulting noise performance is drastically reduced and the final readout noise is less than 10e-.
Applications for SIRIS cover high-end imaging such as astronomical research, bio-medical imaging, bioluminescence…
Past events
Save the date for our yearly meeting! Lytid will participate at the IRMMW-THz 2020 virtual conference that will be held from Buffalo, 8 – 13 November. Free registration for attendees, connect and meet us at our virtual lounge. Book your free virtual demos directly on our website or contact our team for more information.

Lytid will be pleased to be presenting and providing demos of its products at the IRMMW-THz conference 2019 in Paris from the 1st to the 6th of September. Come and meet us at our booth 5 & 6 Don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information or to schedule a meeting directly with us!
Photo Gallery
We are proud to announe that Lytid and 6 renowned laboratories have been selected with the THOR project (TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics).
In this project, we will demonstrate the first nano-scale, cost-effective, fast and low-noise detector working at room temperature in the 1 – 30 THz range by developing a radically new concept of signal up-conversion to VIS/NIR radiation!
This bold vision, which builds on the fundamentals of light-matter interaction (science) and converges toward the on-chip integration in a silicon-compatible chip (technology), completely surpasses any previous technological paradigms related to the measurement of THz molecular vibration.
« … Lytid has sufficient skills and equipment in THz … [and] … represent a credible partner to lead the industrial and commercial operation
of project results. »