Pick your application

THz technologies for non-destructive testing allow for a simplified implementation of contactless inspection solutions, while remaining completely harmless to the end user along with minimal interaction with the sample under inspection. Lytid offers its expertise through a variety of solutions to provide a wide range of methods with tailored performances to suit perfectly your non-destructive testing requirements (penetration depth, resolution, sensitivity, acquisition time, post-processing, …)

3D inspection

Tailored imaging module options, scanning kits and dedicated signal processing software, are available to suit specific imaging applications.

  • Compatible with :Robitic arm/ Beam steering / Translation stages
  • Data visualisation & processing software
  • Imaging optics options :  2 “f = 5 cm ; 2 ” f = 10 cm
  • Spatial resolution : 2mm ; 4 mm respectively (in air)

 3D imaging visualisation software

Pharmaceutical industry

Explore your sample  in three dimensions

Use cases – 3D inspection

Lytid’s NDT radar solution can be implemented in many industries and applications, here are some use cases:

Thickness gauge

Benefiting from advanced extraction algorithm, Lytid NDT solution allows to perform contactless thickness mesurement.

  • Powerful thickness extraction software
  • Minimum thickness: <1 mm
  • Accuracy : ±5µm
  • Monolayer & multilayers

Proprietary thickness extraction algorithms

HDPE 1000 single-layer chart

Lytid’s thickness measurement tool & software

Use cases – Thickness measurement

Our NDT THz solution can mesure with µm-precision single and multi-layer parts, here are some examples:

Material identification

Proprietary signal processing algorithm allows to measure the optical index of materials for identification,  density measurement and ratio measurement.

  • Measurement of optical index of material
  • Sorting of black plastics
  • Density measurement of dielectrics
  • Ratio estimation in polymer mixes

Non-destructive testing with Lytid :

Terahertz waves have the ability to penetrate a large variety of dry, non-polar and non-metallic materials such as :

  • Polymers
    •   PP, PE ,Teflon..
  • Foams
  • Cardboard
  • Elastomers
    • Natural rubber
  • Papers
  • Fabrics
  • Composites
    • GRP, CRP…
  • Ceramics
  • Woods
  • Leather

Broad range of applications

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