
In-depth 3D modular THz NDT scanner based on radar technology

Our Terascan product line uses non-contact sensing technology to deliver unrivaled detection performance and enhance the capabilities of Terahertz (THz)  technologies for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). With its fully automated and modular design, this all-in-one tool is an affordable solution that empowers our customers to explore the potential of THz sensing.

THz Radar transceiver system

Fully automated

3D THz scanning properties


Non-destructive testing with Terahertz

Using our expertise in THz, we have pushed the boundaries of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), a groundbreaking technology that redefines material inspection without compromise.
With benefits inherited from IR and millimeter-waves, THz electromagnetic waves can provide in-depth inspection in a non destructive manner of a wide range of materials ranging from polymers and ceramics, to fibered-based composites featuring complexes geometries such as honeycomb structures. The advantages of THz combined with the capabilities of Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar sensors enable 3D inspection and sensing capabilities.
The principle is based on time of flight (ToF) sensing: The emitted THz waves from radar are directed at the materials being inspected, these waves interact with the material. By measuring the time it takes for the reflected waves and echoes, a 3D image of the material's internal structure is created. This image is then analyzed to detect a wide variety of defects such as density variations, inclusions, delaminations, air pockets and structural damages.

Principles of 3D inspection through FMCW radar and time of flight sensing 

Moreover, the highly reflective aspect of metallic substrate or carbon fibered doped substrate still makes THz sensing perfectly suitable for many applications such as corrosion sensing under protective paint layers. The ability of THz NDT to see through objects in 3D, its sensitivity to a wide range of materials, and its safety make it a valuable tool for ensuring the quality of products in many industries.

Our solution : TeraScan

TeraScan product line offers unparalleled versatility and performance. It comes equipped with:

> Motion vector

 > THz optics

 > FMCW radar sensors

> Software suite


Modular design

The TeraScan features interchangeable units for the scanner, sensor, and optics. The scanner unit offers three geometries with automated COBOT-based controls or through a 3-axis translation structure, depending on the geometry of the object under inspection.

TeraScan Frame

TeraScan Arm

TeraScan Arm long range

The choice of sensor operating frequency range is tied to the expected performance on the material being inspected, required dynamic range, and expected resolution. Sensors are available in three different operating frequencies: 120 GHz, 240 GHz, and 300 GHz. Lastly, the available optics allow for adjustment of working distances. 

Interchangeable radar sensors and lenses

Helicoidal head with a sensor and two lenses, from top to bottom

Our expertise guides you to find the optimal configuration for your inspection needs. Advanced configurations can be found on:

Sensor auto-calibration

To reach optimal performances in terms of dynamic range and measurement repeatability with all sensors, each measurement procedure initiates with a fully automated calibration of the used transceiver. Either through the 3-axis plotter or through the COBOT arm control, such a quick calibration procedure ensures typically more than 60 dB dynamic range.

Reference and background autocallibration

The signal before (left) and after (right) auto-calibration 

Simplified Image Aquisition and Enhanced Data Processing

Terascan comes with a dedicated software that is designed to simplify the use of the system and enable advanced visualizations. The software has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to handle the scanner and configure the imaging procedure. It also displays real-time signal visualization and ongoing scan visualization and progress. Teravisio is an add-on software that provides advanced data processing for 3D visualization of samples and image exports. The user can access raw measurement data sets for tailored post-processing.

Data aquisition software: TeraScan Easy 

Motion Vectors Specifications

Models/Specs Frame Arm Arm long range
Mode of operation FMCW sensing FMCW sensing FMCW sensing
Type x-y-z plotter Automated 6-axis robotic arm max reach 400 mm Automated 6-axis robotic arm max reach 700 mm
Imaging area (mm) Max 300x300 Typ 400x400 Typ 600x600
Minimal step (mm) 0.5 0.25 0.25
Sample height (mm) up to 150 X X
Max footprint
(H x W x L) (mm)
650x650x650 500x800x800 800x1500x1500
Required interface connectors USB2.0*3 USB2.0*2
RJ45 Ethernet socket
RJ45 Ethernet socket

Sensors Specifications

Models/SpecsTeraScan 100 TeraScan 200TeraScan 300
Frequency (THz)
Minimal lateral resolution (mm)
Working distance (mm)50, 75, 100 15050,75, 100, 15050, 75, 100, 150
Acquisition rate (Pixels/s)4012.512.5
Typ. dynamic range (dB)>50>50>40

Data Aquisition Software

Software TeraScan Easy

TeraScan Easy ©

 3D data acquisition software

    • Setup scan parameters

    • Real-time monitoring

    • Access to raw data

    • Automated reference and background acquisition

    Visualization Software

    TeraVisio Basics ©

    3D visualization software

    • C-scan (X/Y slices)

    • A-scan and B -scans visualizations

    • Depth explorer slider

    • Simplified image export

    • Simplified raw data loading

    • Integrated data processing


      TeraVisio Advanced ©


      3D advanced visualization software
      All TeraVisio basics features

      + Customizable interface for tailored display

      + Comparative visualization

      + A, B and C scans selections

      TeraScan Use Cases


      Honeycomb GFRP Composite Structures

      • Type of defects: Honeycomb structural integrity & GFRP delamination
      • Additional: Internal water content, foreign bodies detection & alveoli inspection

      FIberglass composite quality

      • Type of defects: inclusion and delamination detection
      • Additional:Visualization of a honeycomb structure

      Complex Polymer structures

      • Type of defects: Watertightness of a glue seal & defects within polymer plates structure
      • Additional: Sample integrity, defect detection, health monitoring & volumetric metrology

      Corrosion protected metallic plate

      • Type of defects: Corrosion marks under protective coating
      • Additional: Coatings delamination, impacts marks & metallic surface quality through protective layersy

      Pharmaceutical packaging

      • Type of defects: Missing pill within full packaging & Leaflet position
      • Additional: No alteration of the active molecules, internal & external packaging inspection, packaging seals integrity & pills count

      Wooden materials and composites

      • Sensing capability: Density mapping, water content & structural inspection
      • Additional: Inhomogeneities detection, fieldbus node dimensioning & inner structure inspection

      Foreign bodies detection in Food

      • Type of defects: Glass behind the chocolate
      • Additional:Hazelnut

      1. Choose your motor vector


      x-y-z motorized translation stage

      300 mm × 300 mm typ. scanning area



      6-axis collaborative scanning robotic arm

      Max reach 400 mm

      400 mm × 400 mm typ. scanning area

      Arm long range

      6-axis collaborative scanning robotic arm

      Max reach 850 mm

      750 mm × 750 mm typ. scanning area

      2. Choose your sensor frequency

      TeraScan 100 | Lite

      Frequency band              120 GHz

      Bandwidth         20 GHz | 6.9 GHz

      Pixel aquisition rate               50 Hz

      Typ.Dynamic range              >50 dB

      Lateral resolution              1.8 mm

      TeraScan 200

      Frequency band              240 GHz

      Bandwidth                              37 GHz

      Pixel aquisition rate               20 Hz

      Typ.Dynamic range              >65 dB

      Lateral resolution              0.9 mm

      TeraScan 300

      Frequency band              300 GHz

      Bandwidth                              27 GHz

      Pixel aquisition rate               20 Hz

      Typ.Dynamic range              >40 dB

      Lateral resolution              0.7 mm

      3. Choose your optics

      Lens f= 50 mm

      Lens f= 75 mm

      Lens f=100 mm

      Lens f=150 mm

      Remark: Working distance refers to the distance between the last lens and the target object being observed. Lower working distances often allow for wider numerical aperture (NA) lenses, leading to better resolution potential. However, for thick samples, larger working distances are key. This gives you a larger depth of field.

      4. Choose your advanced visualization software

      TeraVisio Basics

      - C-scan images (X/Y slices)

      - A-scan and B-scan visualizations

      - Depth explorer slider

      - Simplified raw data loading

      - Integrated data processing

      - Simplified image export


      TeraVisio Advanced

      All TeraVisio Basics features

      + Customizable interface for tailored display

      + A, B and C-scans selections

      + Comparative visualization