Terahertz, the last frontier of photonics.

The gap is closing
The terahertz (THz) is the last part of the electromagnetic spectrum to be exploited. Located between the microwaves and infrared radiation it has been long called the “terahertz gap” due to the lack of availability of THz sources and detectors. Today, this gap is closing as next generation sources and detectors become steadily available. Our TeraCascade range of THz sources is designed in the spirit of making these technologies available to demanding users that wish to explore, develop and publish in this dynamic field of physics that is terahertz.
Features of terahertz radiation
Due to its low photon energy, THz radiation is non-ionising i.e. not dangerous for the health as of today’s understanding. It can penetrate non-polar, dry and non-metallic materials like plastics, ceramics, woods, fabrics or composites. This feature is shared with the microwaves on the lower end of the spectrum. THz waves also share the spectroscopic information embedded within the infrared radiation on its high end of the spectrum. This combination of properties make THz radiation so unique and so promising for many applications.
A whole world of applications
Terahertz technologies have become a major field of applied research, driven by the tremendous potential of applications such as biomedical imaging, industrial nondestructive testing (NDT), security screening and sensing and in many fields of fundamental sciences. Imaging using THz radiation has garnered increasing attention, as it promises penetrating, contactless and submillimeter diffraction-limited imaging. Furthermore, spectroscopic information and 3D imaging are possible using multi-color computer assisted tomography techniques. The main challenge in achieving the full potential of THz applications: the limitations in the performance of current THz sources and detectors.

High-versatility real-time THz imaging system
Powerful multiple frequency QCL sources in combination to FPA detection unit
Terahertz devices
From 1THz to 10 THz / From 300um to 30um