Pick your application
THz technologies for non-destructive testing allow for a simplified implementation of contactless inspection solutions, while remaining completely harmless to the end user along with minimal interaction with the sample under inspection. Lytid offers its expertise through a variety of solutions to provide a wide range of methods with tailored performances to suit perfectly your non-destructive testing requirements (penetration depth, resolution, sensitivity, acquisition time, post-processing, …)

3D inspection
Tailored imaging module options, scanning kits and dedicated signal processing software, are available to suit specific imaging applications.

Compatible with :Robitic arm/ Beam steering / Translation stages
Data visualisation & processing software
Imaging optics options : 2 “f = 5 cm ; 2 ” f = 10 cm
Spatial resolution : 2mm ; 4 mm respectively (in air)
3D imaging visualisation software
Use cases – 3D inspection
Lytid’s NDT radar solution can be implemented in many industries and applications, here are some use cases:

Thickness gauge
Benefiting from advanced extraction algorithm, Lytid NDT solution allows to perform contactless thickness mesurement.

Powerful thickness extraction software
Minimum thickness: <1 mm
Accuracy : ±5µm
Monolayer & multilayers
Proprietary thickness extraction algorithms

HDPE 1000 single-layer chart

Lytid’s thickness measurement tool & software
Use cases – Thickness measurement
Our NDT THz solution can mesure with µm-precision single and multi-layer parts, here are some examples:

Material identification
Proprietary signal processing algorithm allows to measure the optical index of materials for identification, density measurement and ratio measurement.

Measurement of optical index of material
Sorting of black plastics
Density measurement of dielectrics
Ratio estimation in polymer mixes
Non-destructive testing with Lytid :
Terahertz waves have the ability to penetrate a large variety of dry, non-polar and non-metallic materials such as :
PP, PE ,Teflon..
Natural rubber
- Composites
- Ceramics
- Woods
- Leather